Update on PSSD meeting with MHRA Reps

Thank you to everyone who has been involved in the initiative with contacting MPs so far, you are making a difference.

Lord Alton, Baroness Merron, Dr Healy, Dr Horowitz and others met with representatives of MHRA on 22 October 2024.

We have received the following update:

"the MHRA is taking the issue seriously (and the House of Lords Health Minister, Baroness Merron, who attended, also understood its importance).

Our three academics were superb.

Now it will be down to you and your colleagues to build up grassroots  representations to MPs encouraging them to take the issue equally seriously (and to ask for a meeting with the House of Commons Minister, Karyn Smith MP).

The promised MHRA Review does now represent a chance to move the dial and we have made it clear that we will be scrutinising who is appointed to the Expert Working Group and insisting on transparency - as I hope and know you will be."

We need to keep pushing and getting as many people as possible to contact their MPs. If you have already contacted your MP, please follow this up! There are templates and guidelines for writing letters to MPs and following this up here. There are also templates for family members, partners and friends. We need their help too!


PSSD UK / PSSD Network Meeting with MHRA


BBC Panorama episode ‘The Antidepressants Story’ covers PSSD