Websites and Communities
PSSD Network: https://www.pssdnetwork.org/
PSSD Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/PSSD/
RxISK (Research and Awareness): https://rxisk.org/about/
German PSSD Association: https://pssd-hilfe.jimdofree.com/
PSSD Forum: https://www.pssdforum.org/
Josef Witt-Doerring is a psychiatrist who is helping to raise awareness about PSSD. He has a youtube channel that includes videos about PSSD and interviews about PSSD.
PSSD Blog - compiles links, articles and surveys: https://postssrisexualdysfunction.blogspot.com/p/questionnaires-and-surveys-research.html
Surviving Antidepressants - A forum for those trying to overcome adverse antidepressant reactions, including PSSD: https://www.survivingantidepressants.org/search/?q=PSSD&quick=1
PSSD Lab - blog of the researcher known online as Ghost, where much of the current research has been compiled: https://pssdlab.wordpress.com/about/pssd-resources/
The Research Zone is the blog of a pharmacist who is currently conducting research into potential causes and treatments of PSSD: https://www.theresearchzone.com/blog
PSSD, Drugs and Rock n Roll Youtube Channel - is a recently created YouTube channel for sharing information and video testimonials about PSSD. Once the channel reaches 1,000 subscribers it will begin generating ad revenue for PSSD research: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYZe1sm1aMc
Canadian PSSD Assocation: www.pssdcanada.ca (Special Thanks to Emily from PSSD Canada for helping with our website)
International Hub for PSSD Associations
Post SSRI Syndrome Website created by a group from Italy: https://postssrisyndrome.org/
PSSD is Real:
Side FX Hub (a charity dedicated to supporting those affected by PSSD and PFS):
PFS Global Research: https://pfsglobalresearch.org/
Brazil: PSSD https://www.pssd-brasil.org/