Report Your Experience
It is very important to report your experience!
The more people that report their experiences, the more data will be available for research. It also helps to raise awareness so that hopefully, policy makers will take action to give patients the informed consent that is currently lacking, and support sufferers of PSSD, PFS, PAS.
Report to your GP:
There is now a SNOMED code for PSSD. Please ask your doctor or GP to ensure that SNOMED code 1340196008 is used on your medical record to record that you have PSSD.
Report on RxISK website (RxISK is led by Dr David Healy, psychiatrist and psychopharmacologist, and is the most influential organisation in seeking to increase the profile of PSSD and encourage research):
Report to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency in the UK (MHRA):
MHRA – National Yellow Card Information Service
Phone: 0808 100 3352
E-mail: pharmacovigilance@mhra.gsi.gov.uk
You MUST complete a yellow card report! If you do not do this MHRA will think that not many people have PSSD and they won’t do anything about it!!!
When you complete the report, be sure to include in the text box describing your experience that you have Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (MedDRA 10086208). If you don’t include this, they can categorise your report as something else and it will skew the figures, making it look like not many people have PSSD!
Complete a yellow card report here: https://yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk/
You can complete as many yellow card reports as you like. You can actually complete multiple reports for different symptoms. It’s not a bad idea to do this and to update the report periodically to let them know if you have not recovered. You can download some guidance on how to complete an effective yellow card report about PSSD here.
Report to the FDA (Citizens of all countries can do this, not just US citizens!
The MedDRA code for Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction is 10086208.
Write to your UK MP:
A member of the community has discussed PSSD with his MP. This MP has set up an action group to discuss PSSD further. We need more people to write to their MPs to strengthen our position.
Follow the instructions and use the template letters provided here.
There is now an updated template and set of instructions here.
Report Your Concerns to the Department of Health and Social Care:
There is a contact form on the website.
Phone Number: 020 7210 4850